
Tag: Knowall IT

London IT Support in an ever changing landscape

by on Oct.04, 2023, under IT Support

Award winning IT support in London | Knowall ITSelecting the right IT business partner to cater to your computing needs and provide managed IT services for your business, is a decision that requires careful consideration. If you’re currently in search of the finest IT support in London, look no further. Knowall IT’s private cloud computing not only makes high-performance cloud hosting a business imperative but also ensures the reliability of your operations, making “always up” just another day at the office. Businesses across the UK entrust Knowall IT with their critical business requirements benefit from the assurance of being consistently online and accessible to their clients, anytime and anywhere.

Knowall IT support in Paddington not only remains in sync with the ever-evolving landscape of innovation within the fast-paced IT industry, but also exhibits a keen understanding of our clients’ needs amidst the transformative shifts affecting industries and daily life. The foundation of high-performance hosting lies in the ability to handle an exceptional number of requests at any given time, and Knowall IT accomplishes this through a combination of multiple server solutions and performance-driven systems. This infrastructure diverts and balances web traffic as needed, maintaining optimal performance and delivering cost-efficient results for your business. Amidst an array of factors that can impact computing performance—such as user numbers, platforms utilised, connections, and geographical locations—Knowall IT leaves no room for error. The design of custom software, hardware solutions, and resilient infrastructure is a core competency, ensuring sustained high-powered technological performance.

Knowall IT Services has been delivering high-performance cloud hosting round the clock, including solutions like Hosted Sage Cloud and various business applications via their UK Enterprise Cloud Platform, accessible to clients regardless of their geographical location. Information technology has emerged as the bridge uniting businesses worldwide, facilitating a globalised workplace. IT instantaneously transformed into the sole lifeline for numerous industries and companies that had, for far too long, dragged their feet in adapting to inevitable change. The era of no return is upon us, and cloud computing has assumed the role of a business essential that demands both embrace and exploration for its numerous advantages. Online meeting platforms have seamlessly facilitated business continuity in ways we might not have considered essential in the past.

Transitioning to cloud hosting is always a timely decision, enabling you to harness the benefits of high-performance private cloud computing. Embark on a journey to explore functional, relevant, and cost-effective managed IT services seamlessly integrated into your existing operations, with zero disruptions—a hallmark advantage of cloud-based solutions. Financially strategic options encompass leveraging public cloud solutions with tailored support and management, or engaging a hybrid cloud approach that combines private and public platforms to meet both financial and operational needs. Benefit from permanent offsite data backup solutions for proactive disaster management of your vital business assets and communications.

Facilitating high-performance cloud solutions round the clock, Knowall IT boasts a dedicated team of remote network IT engineer’s adept at diagnosing complex or unexpected issues. With a solutions-oriented approach applicable across industries and sectors, Knowall IT Solutions stands as the premier choice for IT services nationwide.

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by on Jul.05, 2022, under Cloud Computing, IT Support

Information Technology encompasses all services relating to the use of computers and what is required to allow them to be able to perform their function, which is the processing, storage and exchanging of electronic information or data. Regardless of the industry or type of business, the chances are that whether you are office based or working remotely, it is in some way governed by IT. The service providers of information technology play a vital role in the day and life of any modern-day business, no matter the size. As a major player in your business, your choice of IT service provider will have a monumental impact on your business that is why you need to choose wisely. Knowall IT Support near Vauxhall have been recognised within industry as providing award-winning services for the way in which they manage the extensive IT services which they provide.

Listed below are the top services provided by Knowall IT

IT Support

Since inception, Knowall IT Support near Pimlico provide ground-breaking and innovative technology supporting customers by delivering high-performance managed services supported by “always-on” technology. Together with the 24/7 technical support team, Knowall IT proactively trouble-shoots any potential issues thereby ensuring customer projects and data remain accessible while guaranteeing faster response times.

Private Cloud

A private cloud solution offers the flexibility in addition to superior reliability and security. Delivered from ISO Certified UK Tier 3 Data Centres in the UK, directly to any organisation, Knowall provides robust, reliable and scalable solutions, tailoring each cloud solution to fit in with your business requirements, helping you achieve the most from the Cloud. Bespoke services ensure exclusive packages for any organisation’s unique requirements.



SwyxOn is a cloud-based unified PBX communication system which utilises VoIP to integrate with computers, mobiles and tablets to secure communications between your business and your client, offering crystal clear communications regardless of your location. SwyxOn provides accessibility consistently ensuring no missed client calls and minimising lost calls, leads or business opportunities. Especially effective for remote and hybrid workplace scenarios and for any business where flexibility is an important aspect for maintaining client communications. This web interfaced system is customisable and offers highly competitive cost-effective voice communication along with full contact & CRM integration options.

Offsite Backup

An offsite backup is a process or facility of backup that stores data and applications external to the organisation or central, primary IT environment. While offsite backup is indeed similar in function to a standard backup process, what it does is utilise a storage facility that is not physically located inside the enterprise’s main IT infrastructure. For almost all organisations, the backup of data and disaster recovery solutions are decidedly critical for the health and maintenance of the enterprise. Knowall IT off-site Cloud disaster recovery solutions centralise data backup and recovery on all computers distributed throughout an organization’s locations.

IT Support Near Wandsworth with a personal approach to customer services and proactive approach ensures you remain at the forefront of technology.


SWYX business VoIP solutions

by on Feb.23, 2018, under Hosted Sage

Why Sage Cloud Hosting?

Sage is the market leader in cloud business management solutions with 3 million global customers. Sage hosting is built to respond to the demands of twenty-first-century companies giving them the stability of the desktop with the flexibility of the cloud.

Sage Business Cloud offers a powerful set of cloud products for small business so convert your existing Sage software to the cloud with hosted Sage and experience the many benefits:

  • Use your existing Sage licence
  • Compatible with: Sage50, Sage 200, Sage Payroll… and more!
  • Looks & feels the same
  • Access anywhere, anytime – Always available!
  • Sage Hosting is safe, secure & easy to convert

Knowall IT market leaders in small to medium size business VoIP solutions. SWYX the award winning business VoIP system that fully integrates with PC, Mobile & Tablets. Changing the way we communicate with new technologies and devices completely tailored to your business needs!

Benefits of converting to SWYX business VoIP solutions:

  • Reduce call charges
  • Tailored to your business needs
  • Staff can make and receive calls from any location, Anytime anywhere.
  • Award Winning
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Get your business on the cloud

by on Jul.23, 2014, under IT Support

Top 10 Benefits of Flexible/ Home Working for Employers?

As an employee there are many benefits to working from home such as more time with the family, reduction in stress and less time commuting, however you might be wondering what the benefits are for the employer?

Read about the new UK law on Home Working / Flexible Working for all employees

A new law has been passed as of the 30th June 2014 introducing changes to the existing UK home working/flexible working laws, extending them beyond employees with children to all employees.  Some employers have been concerned about how this will affect production and the effect on their businesses.

We have decided to focus on the many benefits that home working and/or flexible hours can offer your business.

Top 10 Benefits of Home Working / Remote Working for Employers

The top 10 benefits of home working/flexible working for businesses are;

1.  Increased Productivity

Many studies taken place confirms that employees are more productive when working from home.  British Telecom (BT) has experienced a 20% increase in productivity thanks to telecommuting; they have over 15,000 home working employees out of 92,000 employees.

2.  Empowered Staff

Gaining trust with your employees who work from home makes them feel valued and empowered, feeling valued makes staff more committed and prove themselves to ensure the trust remains intact.

Staff should be paid for their skills, not their time.  Making your staff know that they are valued makes them feel empowered, but also more responsible for their output.

3.  Improved Staff Retention

Retaining committed staff is vital to any business and stability can only be beneficial to the company image. A large staff turnover can tarnish any company image.

4.  Brand’s Image

The benefits from being committed to CSR, happier employees, potentially extended opening hours, and access to a wider talent pool for employees, your brand’s overall image will likely improve.  You will have happy customers who will receive better and more efficient service.

5.  Expand Your Talent Pool

Working from home opens your business to being able to expand your talent pool potential thus being able to recruit talented individuals nationwide and not just locally. The positive effect on your business will be seen in increased productivity.

Perhaps consider a flexible start time enabling the employees miss out the worst of the traffic and are more productive at their desks.

6.  Extended Opening Hours

Many customers would like to consult outside the office hours for convenience, by encouraging flexible working hours the employee is likely to have no problem accommodating customers after hours.

By offering flexible hours or start times could mean your business can now be officially open for longer working hours in a day, or even at the weekends, at no additional cost to your business reducing overtime costs.

7.  Reduce Absenteeism and Tardiness

Many large companies have both found that flexible home working results in employees taking unnecessary time off and fewer sick days and happier employees who are more willing to commit to their employer.

8.  Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Every business must be committed to CSR and flexible working hours will assist greatly by reducing your business’s environmental impact, saving around 4000 kilograms of pollutants per employee per year in travel.

Your business is required to be socially responsible to its customers, staff, suppliers, general public, and the outside world.  Taking your business CSR seriously is a great marketing angle; customers support businesses that are seen to be socially responsible.

9.  Reduce Costs

Every business aims to reduce costs whilst not compromising on the productivity of the business. By offering a flexible work environment makes your business more appealing, and makes potential recruits more interested in working for you.  Apart from the salary, you’ll likely reduce your overheads, and potentially even downsize your office and its costs.

10.  Growing your Business

Growing and focussing on your business is of better value than having to manage your staff, contend with office politics and distractions. You can focus on the important aspects of the business.

Technology can make flexible and home working much easier

Make home working and flexible working hours work for your business by utilising the best technology available. The right use of technology can help make teleworking more effective. Knowall IT provides first class private enterprise cloud London for SMEs. Knowall IT’s Private Cloud Computing means that all staff can access their files, data, and applications from anywhere in the world.

Private enterprise cloud London for small businesses and collaboration tools such as will enable staff members to talk to each other (telephone, instant message, video conference, etc.), and collaborate (screen sharing, application sharing, presentations, etc.) more effectively than ever.

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