
Tag: tantric therapy

Are You Ready To Start Your Journey?

by on Sep.10, 2016, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty, Sex Therapy

What is sex therapy?

“What is sex therapy ?” can herald many answers as sexual health is a vast subject with many sub divisions based on the nature of the instigated issue. Sex therapy covers both genders healing any obstacle that inhibits one from enjoying sexual pleasure. The best form of sex therapy is Tantric therapy as it focuses on healing past trauma by harvesting sexual energy by cultivating it to open up all 7 chakras in the body for inner connection and inter connection. The most intimate and precise form of sex therapy for women is a Yoni massage, which is an ancient Tantric art that has been carried into the years to disperse sexual boundaries to attain pleasure and procreation. service_1A Yoni massage is an intricately detailed massage concentrated on the vagina (Yoni) of the woman to remove energetic blockages that can hinder a woman from enjoying sexual pleasure. It peels away years of trauma called body armoring that has shut down the sexual energetic channel to the Yoni. It is the best form of Tantric therapy for women to release negative traumatic imprints. A Yoni massage can also be learnt by a partner in a relationship to give his or her lover as a form of detox and negative cleanse, that builds love, trust and intimacy. Taking into consideration the sensitive nature of the massage it can only be practiced and gained optimum results when at a safe platform. Therefore the gesture and performing a Yoni massage as Tantric therapy itself creates love and sacredness in a relationship through the basis of trust.

“What is sex therapy ?” is a frequent generic question as sexual health issues can vary in many ways. The general form of sex therapy is to cure the inability to experience sexual pleasure generally assumed due to physical dysfunctions. But there is another side to sex therapy in the form of Tantric therapy Yoni massage in order to refresh one’s energetic system to create a balance in life within oneself and others. This type of therapy can be used to re-align oneself from time to time or to tighten the bonds of intimacy in a relationship.

Tantric therapy is ideal for couples who would like to improve their relationship. A relationship is the bringing together of two individuals with two different lives that carry past traumas, insecurities, fears and irrational reasoning. Therefore Tantric Couple Counselling a form of Tantric Therapy that employs a Yoni massage and is the most best suitable method to sculpt the love energy needed in a relationship.

Relationships never take a smooth form automatically; relationships are growing bonds that need constant nip and tucks to attain a suitable form. Therefore Tantric Couple Counselling a form of Tantric Therapy helps resolve issues in a relationships such as betrayal, hurt, break ups, incompatibility, trust issues, sexual displeasure and dysfunction. Many of these emotional issues can hinder a woman from connecting with her partner to express sexual pleasure therefore the sacred Yoni massage can help remove these negative psychological barriers to regain the tenacity of the relationship filled with love, trust and intimacy.

The Western culture is booming with the growing number of people opting alternative medicine for its harmless nature. The health industry is a multimillion industry that thrives on chemical healing that sometimes leaves drastic side effects throwing off the balance of nature. Therefore sex therapy in the form of Tantric therapy is a sought after to heal through the release of negative emotions instead of chemical therapy. Most illness are a result of accumulated emotional pain that manifest as physical pain that can be treated with alternative therapy such Yoni massages.

Choosing to treat oneself with medication (chemical healing) can disrupt the body’s natural flow of chemical thus making it dependent on medication to heal. There are many toxins found in medications that cause the immune system to become addictive to medication thus making the body chemically dependent. Such toxins can cause fatal diseases if accumulated over time, emotional instability and sicknesses and drastic changed in normal functioning of life. And can also lead to sexual dysfunction lowering sexual appetite through the imbalance of hormones.

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Mal Weeraratne is a certified Tantra Educator in the UK

by on May.23, 2014, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty

Mal Weeraratne is renowned for his well-known Tantric Journey therapy, Mal has a passion for assisting people to enhance their lives giving them freedom and liberating their lives.

Mal Weeraratne is a British Pioneer In the Area of Emotional Release through bodywork, Who has studied in various accredited institutes under pioneers & experts earning him the accolade of being the first Certified Tantra Educator in the UK.

Mal has worked in the field of Human Sexuality since 1994, both in learning and treating over 3000 clients from all walks of life.

Read what some of Mal’s clients have to say about how this revolutionary therapy has changed their lives.

Hello Mal,

Its nearly a week since my session, the results are still developing beautifully. After a few days of feeling and looking a bit pale and low in energy, today I had a client for bodywork; the quality of my work seems positively affected, I had a really good time too! My family relationships are nicer, I am less edgy and more gentle, although firm. My energy is better…even my body odours are improved!

I’m experiencing my body more as I used to in the Sannyas Commune – as one flowing gorgeous organism, open, with immediate potential for pleasure and swift release of trauma.

Your brochure is a professional piece of work, and I have no hesitation in handing it around to the right people.

Gabrielle Naturopath – London

January 2013

Hello Mal,

I am back in my job here in the Bank Colombia. I have been here for 3 weeks and it has been difficult to adapt again, because I really enjoyed my 6 months there. Today, I have to tell you THANK U, because London hadn’t been same without you. You made better and more comfortable my stay in London.

I have missed you a lot and I have been remembering you all the time…


You were one of these angels for me…

I recognize that I love my family and I missed them a lot, that my city is beautiful, that we have the best weather in the world, that people here is very warm and we have everything we need to live well and loved…but now, I must accept that I don’t have any barriers, that there are many possibilities in the world and I can do whatever I want… For that reason I know that we can see us again and there are no limits to find us and to hug us again.



KTA – London

October 2011

Dear Mal,

I saw you on Friday evening. Thank you so much for your wonderful knowledge.

I came to you at my lowest ebb. Your treatment was like receiving/ experiencing a little bit of heaven. As the minutes moved on – the scales dropped off – I can vaguely see through the crack into the light. I have had an intermittent head-ache over the weekend but also feel more grounded, less stressed, and optimistic.

I notice that you do 30 minute sessions of chanting with sounds – Toning is what you mentioned I needed as part of my process. Please may I make an appointment for a Friday or Monday whenever you can fit me in.

I also mentioned that I am a massage/psycho and hypno-therapist. – and so as you can imagine – I am already thinking that i would like to move towards asking you to under-take to be my teacher and guide along the process – but all in the fullness of time, when you think i am ready. In the mean time i look forward to seeing you as much as i can afford. At the moment i don’t even have a job – or a divorce!

If any of your students ever need a body to work on please may I volunteer?

So all in all many doors will now open, I look forward to the process.

Thank you again for your time, expertise, patience, and kindness.

Hugs and love,

Janice – London

16th February 2009

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