
Tag: Vaginal Massage

Vaginal Massage as Tantric Treatment for Couples

by on Jul.16, 2016, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty, Sex Therapy

Tantric treatment for couples is a well sought therapy by couples to build connection emotionally and physically.  Most couples who seek for Tantric therapy are hoping to build more intimacy and trust through the art of love making. Some relationships are plagued by past trauma accumulated within time or from previous relationships.

Tantra is weaving the spiritual body, emotional body and the physical body in order to connect to the divine source energy to attain a state of bliss and happiness. Therefore, I work as a meditator assisting the weaving by removing stagnant negative emotions and energy blocks and physical blocks stored as toxins in the body. Tantra London is an upcoming trend as it is more accepting to blend Eastern remedies with modern therapies. As controversial as it sounds vaginal massage helps in the release of restraints in a relationship. As a woman’s Yoni (vagina in Sanskrit) is the store house of trauma in the form of emotions in the body.


Tantra London is becoming to grow more available as therapeutic measure but many do not hold the healing essence of the Tantra teachings as they are only intended for pleasure, but whereas the essence of Tantric vaginal massage is to heal and connect to higher source energy to live at optimum. Thus the misconception of Tantra arises mostly due to the lack of substance in the available therapies.  Tantric Journey aims to help women and couples in London to heal therefore contributing less to the cycle of depression, violence, crimes, unexpected pregnancies, welfare and women’s health.

I help the client to remove negative stagnant emotions in the cellular memory in the body’s cells that block the positive energy flow (positive emotions) that contribute to positive experiences. Tantric vaginal massage honors women and womanhood. Tantric treatment for couples teaches women self-respect and the most precious jewel for a woman – self –respect; that brings about self-discipline and self-confidence. Also self-esteem is expected as it teaches her to create her own safe circle allowing experiences that only nourish her.


Tantric Journey Bodywork Tantric treatment for couples can be set apart from many standard Tantric vaginal massages as every client I treat has always had near 100% success rate in healing. As I mentioned before, the Tantric Journey Bodywork is not purely intended for pleasure, the vaginal massage is performed to heal past trauma such as sexual abuse, physical abuse and psychological abuse that is stored in the body’s cellular memory. Tantra is weaving the spiritual body, emotional body and the physical body in order to connect to the divine source energy to attain a state of bliss and happiness.

Also to address the main concern and common myth about “Tantric sex can entice appetites that can lead to orgies” and dismantling of relationships; it is wise to know Tantra does not advocate in indulging uncontrollable sexual desires or orgies. Tantric treatments for couples through a vaginal massage in fact teaches couples to control  sexual desires and channel it to a higher purpose – the higher purpose being love. Tantric sex is about being conscious of the person you are connecting with, asking permission to touch or kiss or express sexual desire in other ways.

Tantra lovers take time to soul gaze where they connect with the essence of the person they are going to make love to by opening up all their chakras and communicating to create a safe platform so that the power of excitement can be transformed into love.

Therefore as we have been able to shed light into this common myth we can deduce that Tantra in London and Tantric sex is beneficial to us – in a world where connectivity is lacking despite growing digital age.

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Take yourself on an exciting journey

by on Sep.22, 2014, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty

Functions of Female Ejaculation

An ancient Tantric subject often over looked and considered taboo relating it to the most indecent of thoughts in the mainstream arena – Female Ejaculation lies as the tainted and unexplained in the female Sexual Health industry.

Female Ejaculation is colloquially known as ‘squirting’.

Often dismissed as incontinence and as a probable condition befallen upon certain females; the functionality of the Female Ejaculation remains scientifically unexplained and left unknown. The nature of scientific disinterest contributes to solid fact that only a certain number of women also only quite a handful number, have publicly reported to be able to ejaculate in comparison to the mass population.  As the society moved onto a less emotional platform to a logical and scientific plateau amongst patriarchy, the art of love making became biological and anything that did not serve physical purpose was rendered useless. Hence the subject has not been thoroughly studied – at least to console the women in the dark. However, the chemical composition has been found to have prostatic secretions and been scientifically validated stating that the excretion (fluid) from the ejaculation differs from urine completely overhauling the blind accusations of incontinence and bladder dysfunctions.

Also having had the Adult Film industry exploiting this scientific disinterest, the subject of Female Ejaculation was tucked at the hidden corner of the closet for a tarred image.

Being a British Pioneer in the area of Body Work and the first certified Advanced Tantra Educator in UK (from Source School of Tantra) I, Mal, have bridged the misunderstanding of the function of Female Ejaculation. Using Tantric and Toa techniques, I intend to release negative emotions from the female body and Female Ejaculation being the essence of the treatment.

The excretion (fluid) from the female is referred to as the Amrita in Sanskrit. Amrita means sweet nectar of life. The Japanese doctor Masaru Emoto claims that human consciousness affects molecular structure of water. When this finding is related to the fluid structure of the Amrita, it is certain under a microscope negative molecule of emotions will be found.

Thus giving a name to the face of the unexplained functionality of the Female Ejaculation through the art of Tantra and Tao teaching.

My bodywork to release emotions is also called the Sacred Spot Massage, G Spot Massage, Vaginal Massage or the Yoni Massage.

Through the belief that the callused negative emotions can armor the core of the female sexuality draping away pleasure and ‘being’ of a woman, my body work for emotional release has been articulately seasoned through decades of practice and perfecting over 3000 women all over the world.


The punch line being Female Ejaculation is vital and ‘revoltingly’ healthy for the overall wellbeing of a woman that only can be regarded as ‘normal’.

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