

Holiday Lets short term rental is upmarket and safe

by on Jan.12, 2014, under Accommodation, Travel

Kensington Palace

A Royal Residence in Kensington Garden, this palace has been home to many prominent personalities of the Royal Family. The British Royal Family has been residing in this palace since the 17th century. Kensington Palace is the official home to the much loved Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their son Prince George of Cambridge. It is also home to the Prince Harry of Wales, Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, Prince and Princess of Michael of Kent and unofficially home to Zara Philips.

Kensington Palace was the official residence of Diana, Princess of Wales until her death in 1997. Also it was home to Princess Margaret and Princess Alice until their deaths.

The State rooms are open to the public. Holiday Lets London staff can provide you information on the other close Royal attraction sites. The closes tube stations are Queensway, Kensington High Street and Gloucester Road. Holiday Lets London short term accommodation is close in proximity and located at a convenient site allowing its visitors to have a convenient stay. Holiday Lets London return clients have re booked with Holiday Lets London short stay when looking to rent a flat in London or a London holiday studio, as the self catering accommodation amenities and proximity have proved to be of good convenience.

Kensington Palace was earlier known as Nottingham Palace. The palace has had many alterations and expansions over the years. It is the favourite among the British Monarchs. Queen Mary II died of smallpox in Kensington Palace in 1694, likewise William III died in the same palace during his treatment after a fall from his horse and also George II died in Kensington palace when it was the last reigning monarch.

The all famous Royal couple, Princess Diana and Prince Charles officially resided in Kensington Palace and raised Prince William and Harry in the residence. Prince William and Harry went to local nursery and pre preparatory schools in Notting Hill.

The palace was featured in the BBC documentary series Tales from the Palaces. During 2011 Halloween Eerie Evening Tours of Enchanted Palace was conducted highlighting mysterious sounds and sights that were recorded in the warder’s log book.

Holiday Lets London can recommend other lovely majestic sites to visit during your stay in London, such as the Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park and Queen Victoria Memorial. Covent Garden, St Pauls Cathedral and Westminster Abbey are also historically embraced sites that can prove to be of enjoyment. For a suitable combination of London attraction sites to visit call the Holiday Lets London hotline or write to Holiday Lets London. Or on booking one of self catering accommodation, on request we can list the nearest attraction sites to visit.

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Locations de vacances à Londres

by on Oct.25, 2013, under Accommodation, Travel

HOLLAND PARK – mode de vie des riches et célèbresSitué dans l’ouest du centre de Londres est un havre de paix et de tranquillité , où les riches et les nantis romance rencontre et la nature. Connu sous le nom de Holland Park , le nom est donné à la fois le quartier avec un parc public. Célèbre pour sa réputation de quartier à la mode , des sites remarquables de la région , âge vieilles maisons victoriennes , des boutiques haut de gamme et ses restaurants rang.Le parc public est une belle région qui s’étend autour de 54 acres , avec une longue histoire.

La moitié nord ( environ ) est boisée semi- sauvage, la partie centrale contient les ruines de Holland House , une grande maison de l’Angleterre , et la partie sud est utilisé pour le sport. Contenant une variété d’ activités, à la fois naturel et artificiel , Holland Park est une destination incontournable lors d’un séjour à Londres.Les motifs du parc disposent d’une orangerie célèbre , qui était un aliment de base des maisons de mode au cours du 17ème au 19ème siècles.

Semblable à une serre ou véranda, agrumes ont hiverné dans les cuves sous couvert de préservation . En outre, il existe un ensemble géant d’échecs ( pouvez-vous dire ” échec et mat ” ? ) , Un terrain de cricket, des courts de tennis , une des aires de jeux pour les meilleurs enfants à Londres , et beaucoup de fierté , paons . On trouve aussi dans le parc est le absolument magnifique et serein Garden Kyoto , un jardin japonais offert par la Chambre de Commerce de Kyoto en 1991.Le Holland House , qui se trouve actuellement en ruines, a été initialement nommé Cope Castle en raison de sa propriété par le diplomate Sir Walter Cope . Créée en 1605, la grande maison a été la résidence de nombreuses familles riches et les puissants , mais a été malheureusement en grande partie détruit par bombardement allemand pendant le Blitz en 1940.

Aujourd’hui, seule l’aile est et quelques ruines de la RDC demeurent. Si vous êtes dans la région , et ont besoin d’ appartements à louer à Londres , ne cherchez pas plus loin pour locations vacances londres . IFFLEY appartements routière sont situés à une courte distance de marche . Doté de tous les équipements dont vous avez besoin pour une journée dans le parc, un pique-nique ou comme base pour quelques achats sérieux , Locations de vacances à Londres disposent d’une cuisine équipée moderne qui assure le meilleur hébergement indépendant London , salle de douche , chauffage central , TV, lecteur CD et DVD avec WiFi illimité , et assez de place pour 4 à 8 personnes . IFFLEY appartements route sont votre premier choix pour locations vacances londres centre et vous le trouverez chez www.holidayletslondon.co.uk

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Have a break and stay in luxury

by on Oct.15, 2013, under Accommodation, Travel

Until 2013 the highest view of London was seen from the south of River Thames by the 443 feet London Eye, the first largest Ferris wheel ever in Europe visited by nearly 3.5 million people annually.  Quite definitely eye catching given to its enormity as you can see an elephantine ‘bicycle wheel’ spin in reverie if it were to have a soul in the midst of London’s skyline – looming over in many tourist photo back grounds. This tourist hot spotter was opened in 1999 by the Prime Minister, Tony Blair.  Though it no longer provides the highest view it is one of the icons that illuminate the London skies every night and also every New Year is accompanied with a display of fireworks from the wheel itself. Also this colossal icon was privileged to participate in the commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II where it had one of its passenger capsules named as the Coronation Capsule.

“The Eye has done for London what the Eiffel Tower did for Paris, which is to give it a symbol and to let people climb above the city and look back down on it. Not just specialists or rich people, but everybody. That’s the beauty of it: it is public and accessible, and it is in a great position at the heart of London”. – Sir Richard Rogers, winner of the 2007 Pritzker Architecture Prize.

The wheel spins at 0.9 km/h and one revolution takes about 30 minutes. It has 32 capsules each weighing 10 tons that can carry 25 passengers. Despite its slow moving speed the wheel does stop in order to assist elders and the slow. The wheel is decorated with LED lights that can be digitally operated.

A new 4D Experience and ticketing hall has been designed as a pre flight agenda for the visitors.

Ideal to accompany your short stay is a short 30 minute tour where you can enjoy panoramic views of London. If you have children, the view of over whelming scenic London is recommended, after all the thought of spinning in an elephantine ‘bicycle wheel’ would be elating enough for a youngster. London Eye is one of the attractions in London, a well budgeted stay at a self catering accommodation such as Holiday Lets London will leave more room in your wallet to visit other attractions we have mentioned such as the Westminister Palace , Globe Theatre, Big Ben etc.

Holiday Lets London is one of the many London Holiday studios but stands out as one of the best due to its popularity in easy booking, trust worthy payments and yes off course the best flats for rent in London for the price you pay.

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Tous nos studios sont entièrement meublés selon la norme 2 étoiles de l’office du tourisme.

by on Jul.30, 2013, under Accommodation, Travel

Situées dans la Zone 2 de Londres et avec 5 studios, il est difficile de trouver de meilleures locations de vacances à Londres que celles proposées par Holiday Lets London. Entièrement équipés afin d’améliorer votre séjour et de vous aider à profiter pleinement de vos vacances, les studios sont munis de cuisine intégrée, chauffage central, accès Internet et d’un système d’entrée à code clavier, ce qui élimine la remise/collecte de clés.

Bien sûr, il est possible que vous n’ayez pas du tout envie de quitter nos studios … mais des vacances sans découverte ne sont pas des vacances ! Nos appartements ne sont qu’à 10-15 minutes en métro des attractions touristiques, telles que le centre commercial de Kings Mall, idéal pour les courses quotidiennes, manger sur le pouce ou un repas dans un restaurant et une visite à ne pas manquer : le pub londonien traditionnel. Parmi les autres attractions, vous pourrez également vous rendre à Shepherd’s Bush, avec le centre commercial le plus grand d’Europe, le Westfield Mall, et pour ceux qui aiment la nature, n’oubliez pas de visiter Barnes, où se trouve l’exceptionnel Wetlands Centre, abritant une énorme diversité de faune et de flore.

Les locations de vacances à Londres n’ont jamais été d’aussi bonne qualité ou aussi simples à organiser. Il vous suffit de vous connecter à notre site Web, www.holidayletslondon.co.uk, et de réserver en ligne pour profiter au mieux de Londres, sans limiter votre confort et ce, dans le plus grand style.

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Surrey countryside accommodation

by on Jul.23, 2013, under Bed and Breakfast, Travel

Bed and Breakfast Dunsfold is a peaceful cottage set on a farm in glorious countryside in Surrey. Three double bedrooms are offered with wireless internet. A hearty breakfast is served and other home cooked main meals are available. Beautiful surrounds located on a farm about 1 and a half miles from the village of Hurst Hill centre at the back entrance to The Burningfold Estate, near Godalming and Cranleigh and 5 minutes drive from Dunsfold Park.

Enjoy beautiful walks and cycling around the unspoilt area. Secure storage is available for bicycles, near train stations. Sit by the fire and read or relax.

Click here for more information on Bed and breakfast Adversane, Bed and breakfast Billingshurst, Bed and breakfast Brooks Green, Bed and breakfast Southwater, Bed and breakfast Barns Green, Bed and breakfast Itchingfold, Bed and breakfast Five Oaks, Bed and breakfast Slinfold, Bed and breakfast The Haven

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Luxurious spa awaits you with this upmarket accommodation

by on Jul.22, 2013, under Accommodation, Travel

Safe, convenient and affordable are some of the things being said about Holiday Lets London Studio Apartments. So affordable in fact that you are able to spend the savings on site seeing or treat yourself to a trip to the beauty therapist. Once you stay in this centrally located accommodation you won’t want to go anywhere else.07

Fully furnished with their own cooking facilities allows you far more flexibility and convenience. With your won luxury spa you can let go, totally de-stress and pamper yourself without ever having to leave your new home.

Great value for money, clean and comfortable accommodation central to London allows you to visit all the sights, your favourite restaurants and movies.

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Escape city life

by on Apr.22, 2013, under Accommodation, Bed and Breakfast, Travel

Escape the city and explore some of the countryside…. Spend the weekend on a picturesque farm, breathe in the fresh air, relax and unwind in the peaceful surrounds of bed and breakfast Itchingfold, bed and breakfast Bucks Green, bed and breakfast Ellens Green, bed and breakfast Ewhurst, bed and breakfast Cranleigh

Situated near Hurst Hill the location is conveniently situated near Godalming and Cranleigh and 5 minutes to Dunsfold Park.

Click here for more information on bed and breakfast Five Oaks,  bed and breakfast The Haven, bed and breakfast Broadbridge Heath, bed and breakfast Five Oaks,bed and breakfast Slinfold,  bed and breakfast Warnham, bed and breakfast Rowhookbed and breakfast Rudgewick

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Beautiful surrounds on tranquil farm

by on Apr.19, 2013, under bed and breakfast, Bed and Breakfast, Travel

Surround yourself with calm and stay in the countryside at bed and breakfast Kirdford, bed and breakfast Wisborough Green, bed and breakfast Adversane

Relax next to the fire on cold nights sipping a glass of sherry or unwind in the comfort of your spacious bedroom. By day enjoy cycling or exploring the beautiful rolling hills and woody areas. All of this at an affordable rate…. Excellent value for money.

For more information click here bed and breakfast Southwater and bed and breakfast Barns Green

Looking for more company suggestions? We find them for you! Click here

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London the most exciting place to be

by on Apr.18, 2013, under Accommodation, Travel

What’s on in London? Do you fancy a short break to the wonderful exciting City of London, shop until you drop, catch a movie, site see or go to a show? Sounds like a fabulous idea but what about accommodation?

Locate yourself centrally; for ease of transport, affordability and safety is a priority. Holiday Lets London has the perfect luxurious short term accommodation London. Hammersmith is an upmarket area close to 3 tube lines and bus station. This centrally located accommodation even has its own private spa.

The best part is that its affordable giving you extra money to spend on spoiling yourself.

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d’hébergements à Londres

by on Apr.18, 2013, under Accommodation, Travel

Chaque année, des dizaines de milliers de visiteurs se rendent dans cette capitale rayonnante, qui est particulièrement appréciée par les citoyens des pays européens voisins, tels que la France et la Belgique (selon VisitBritain, le nombre de visiteurs français a augmenté de 2 % en 2012 par rapport à l’année précédente). Toutefois, l’organisation de vacances décourage de nombreux touristes, notamment en raison des prix élevés des hôtels et de  l’hébergement à Londres.

Une nouvelle tendance d’hébergement alternatif, les locations de vacances et location londres vacances est de plus en plus prisée avec un coût presque 50 % moins élevé que l’hébergement dans un hôtel. Les choix sont variés, des maisons et appartements meublés selon des exigences strictes aux location de vacances à londres à bas coût. Pour les personnes à la recherche de la commodité, du confort et d’appartements réputés, Holiday Lets London (www.holidayletslondon.co.uk) figure assurément parmi les premiers de la liste d’hébergements à Londres et location vacances à londres

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